This Library contains our Risk Management ALERTS & FACT SHEETS designed to help you keep up to date.

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50 Plus Employees with Federal Contractors - ALERT

5500 Forms - Reporting Benefits Plans - ALERT

ADA - Service Animals - 2010 Revised Requirements - FACT SHEET

ADA - Service Animals - FAQ's - FACT SHEET


ADEA and Retirement - ALERT

Affirmative Action - ALERT

Affordable Care Act (ACA) - Employer Responsibilities - 6-24-2021 - ALERT

Affordable Care Act (ACA) - Wellness Programs - ALERT

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Forms and Instructions - ALERT

Aging Workforce - ALERT

Application for Employment Restrictions - ALERT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Issues in the Workplace

Background Checks - Criminal Record Checks - ALERT

Background Checks - In Pennsylvania Schools (Act 24 and Act 114) - ALERT

Background Checks - In Pennsylvania Schools - ALERT

Benefits - 32 Hour Workweek - ALERT

Biometrics in the Workplace - ALERT

Cannabis Oil and Workplace Drug Testing - ALERT

Child Abuse-Molestation-Grooming Policy

Cold Stress and Protecting Workers - ALERT

Coronavirus - Absenteeism and Payment of Employees - ALERT

Deceased Employee Pay - ALERT

Deductions from Pay - ALERT OVERVIEW

E-Verify - Public Works Contractors - ALERT

EBSA - COBRA Continuation Coverage - FACT SHEET

EBSA - Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act - FACT SHEET

EBSA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - FACT SHEET

EBSA - Reservists Called to Active Duty - FACT SHEET

EEOC - EEO-1 Survey Filers - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Final Regulations Implementing the ADAAA - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Job Applicants and the ADA - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Pregnancy Discrimination in Small Business - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Preventing Discrimination is Good Business - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act - A Guide for Employers - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Criminal Records and Your Job Rights - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Disabilities and Your Job Rights - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Pay Discrimination and Your Job Rights - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Religion and Your Job Rights - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Rights and Responsibilities - FACT SHEET

EEOC - Youth - Sexual Harassment is Against the Law - FACT SHEET

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) - ALERT OVERVIEW

Employee Free Choice Act - ALERT

Employee Pay Issues - ALERT

Employee Polygraph Protection Act - ALERT

English Only Policy - ALERT

Executive Order 11246 - Federal Contractors - ALERT

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) - ALERT

Federal Contractors - Affirmative Action - ALERT

Federal Contractors - EEO-1 Reporting - ALERT

Federal Contractors - Executive Orders and OFCCP - ALERT

Federal Contractors - Paid Sick Leave - ALERT

Federal Contractors - VETS-100-100A Reporting - ALERT

FLSA - Accrued PTO at Termination of Employment - ALERT

FLSA - Administrative Exemption Employees - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Blue Collar Worker Exemption - FACT SHEET


FLSA - Break Time for Nursing Mothers - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Compensation - Jury Duty, Military Leave, Witness Leave - ALERT

FLSA - Compensatory Time - ALERT

FLSA - De Minimis Time - ALERT

FLSA - Deductions from Wages for Uniforms - FACT SHEET

FLSA - EMT's and Paramedics - Overtime Pay - ALERT

FLSA - Executive Exemption - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Exemptions - ALL - FACT SHEET

FLSA - First Responders Exemption - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Fluctuating Workweek Method - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Furloughs and Other Reductions in Pay - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Garnishment Law - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Healthcare Industry and Calculating Overtime Pay - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Healthcare Industry and Hours Worked - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Highly Compensated Workers - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Hours Worked - General - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Inclement Weather and Pay Issues - ALERT

FLSA - Insurance Agency Employees - ALERT

FLSA - Lectures - Meetings - Training Programs - ALERT

FLSA - Minimum Wage - ALERT

FLSA - Motor Carrier Exemption - ALERT

FLSA - Motor Carrier Exemption - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Non-Discretionary Bonuses and Incentive Payments - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Non-Profits - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Nurses and Overtime Pay - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Off Duty Waiting Time - ALERT

FLSA - On Duty Waiting Time - ALERT

FLSA - On-Call Time - ALERT

FLSA - Outside Sales Exemption - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Overtime - Blended Overtime Pay Rates - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime - Calculation in the Health Care Industry - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime and Non-Profits - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Overtime and Non-Profits - Guidance - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Overtime Bonuses and Perks - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime Pay - Basics - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime Pay - Half-time - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime Pay - Piecework - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime Pay - Salaried NOT Exempt from Overtime - ALERT

FLSA - Overtime Pay Requirements - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Polygraph Protection Act - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Professional Exemption - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Recordkeeping Requirements - FACT SHEET

FLSA - Regular Rate Exclusions - ALERT